Saturday, August 12, 2017

练习五 :第一至第七式 Exercise 5 Step 1 to 7

也可以在这里下载。 Can be downloaded using this link:


This video demonstrates how to practice the "Joint Relaxation" that we learned recently. 

也可以在这里下载。 Can be downloaded using this link:

Friday, August 4, 2017

Bhante Suvanno - 015 - Why Nowadays You Never See God or AngKong or Deva 为何你不曾见过神仙?

Bhante Suvanno - 014 - GHOST 鬼

Bhante Suvanno - 013 - Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 善哉 善哉 善哉

Bhante Suvanno - 012 - 2 Types of Meditator 两种禅修者

Bhante Suvanno - 011 - Why Rich People Can Suddenly Bankrupt? 为何富者会突然破产?

Bhante Suvanno - 010 - Weakness Dana 最弱的佈施

Bhante Suvanno - 009 - Self Motivate Dana 自动自发的佈施

Bhante Suvanno - 008 - Born Stupid, part 1 天生白痴 (一)

Bhante Suvanno - 007 - Buddhist Step by Step 佛教徒一步一脚印

Bhante Suvanno - 006 - Tranfer Merits 功德回向

Bhante Suvanno - 005 - Correct Ways for Doing Dana 正确的佈施方法

Bhante Suvanno - 004 - Can Killing Business Person Be A Buddhism? 从事杀生业者可以成为佛教徒吗?

Bhante Suvanno - 003 - Why Born Rich 为何出生在富有家庭

Bhante Suvanno - 002 - How To Be Beautiful 如何变美丽

Bhante Suvanno - 001 - Not Stop Other Doing Good 不要阻他人行善佈施

Thursday, August 3, 2017

左右推送 Left-Right Pushing

这个视频指导我们最近学习的"左右推送"。观看时可以放慢视频速度,这样比较容易学习。 This video demonstrates how to practice the "Left-Right Pushing" that we learned recently. When watching the video you may slow down the video speed so that you can see the movement clearly.