Sunday, July 30, 2017

【平甩傳愛】台東池上.練半年、不再依賴輪椅代步 Get up from wheelchair after practising for 6 months

頸椎滑脫二十年,平甩復原-廣州彥均師姐見證 Testimony from a slip-disc patient who suffered for 20 years

前后甩 Front-Back Swing

这个视频指导我们最近学习的"前后甩"。观看时可以放慢视频速度,这样比较容易学习。 This video demonstrate how to practice the "Front-back swing" that we learned recently. When watching the video you may slow down the video speed so that you can see the movement clearly.

可以点击这里下载视频。 The video can be downloaded via this link.

练习四 :第一至第五式 Exercise 4: Step 1 to 5

练习四  第一至第五式 平甩20分钟,高甩50次,转圈50次, 左右高甩50次,前后甩54次 Exercise 4 Step 1 to 5 Flat Swing 20 minutes,
High Swing 50 times, Circular Swing 50 times, Left-Right High Swing 50 times,Front-Back Swing 54 times

可以从这里下载视频。You can download the video via this link

平甩傳愛第10集分享 英文字幕 Ping Shuai Sharing Part 10 with English subtitle

自馭之道—— 001 王國樑師兄(直腸癌患者)

A True Story of Pingshuai Practitioner—Recovery from Polio (Yu, Yong-Wei)李鳳山師父平甩功見證--小兒麻痺(英文)

【李鳳山師父平甩功見證】女性殺手--乳癌 (breast cancer testimony)

平甩傳愛第9集分享 英文字幕 Ping Shuai Sharing Part 9 with English subtitle

自馭之道 (英文字幕) The Way of Self-Discipline (English subtitle)

李鳳山 - 梅門平甩功

李鳳山 - 梅門平甩功 ( 字幕 )

平甩傳愛第8集分享 英文字幕 Ping Shuai Sharing Part 8 with English subtitle

修行 -《梅門平甩功》

【李鳳山師父平甩功體證】--糖尿病 Recovered from diabetes

Saturday, July 29, 2017

平甩傳愛第7集分享 英文字幕 Ping Shuai Sharing Part 7 with English subtitle

平甩功及见证 (摄护腺癌症,肝硬化,气喘病,瘦身,白内障,忧郁症,运动伤害)

练习三B 第一至第四式 Exercise 3B Step 1 to 4

练习三B 第一至第四式 平甩20分钟, 高甩50次, 转圈50次, 左右高甩50次
Exercise 3B Step 1 to 4 Flat Swing 20 minutes, High Swing 50 times, Circular Swing 50 times, Left-Right High Swing 50 times

Pingshuai Gong Instructional Video

平甩傳愛第6集分享 英文字幕 Ping Shuai Sharing Part 6 with English subtitle

【甩娃幫您問】 請問飯前或飯後練功較適宜?

李鳳山師父平甩功見證(印尼) (Bahasa Indonesia)

左右高甩 Left-Right High Swing

平甩傳愛第5集分享 英文字幕 Ping Shuai Sharing Part 5 with English subtitle

练习三 A 第一至第四式 Exercise 3A Step 1 to 4

练习三 A 第一至第四式 平甩10分钟, 高甩30次, 转圈30次, 左右高甩30次 Exercise 3A Step 1 to 4  Flat Swing 10 minutes, High Swing 30 times, Circular Swing 30 times, Left-Right High Swing 30 times

Asian Cultural EXPO 2013 - Sifu Sam Winters Meimen Qigong Exercise (梅門)

李鳳山師父平甩功見證(印尼)--帕金森氏症 (Parkinson's disease - Bahasa Indonesia)

【甩娃幫您問】 練習了平甩功,可以接著練其它氣功嗎?會不會產影響?

平甩傳愛第4集分享 英文字幕 Ping Shuai Sharing Part 4 with English subtitle

【甩娃幫您問】 平甩的時候要用力伸直手臂嗎?

李鳳山師父平甩功見證(印尼)--青光眼 (Bahasa Indonesia)

练习二 B 第一至第三式 Exercise 2 B Step 1 to 3

练习二 B 第一至第三式 平甩20分钟, 高甩50次, 转圈50次
Exercise 2 B Step 1 to 3 Flat Swing 20 minutes, High Swing 50 times, Circular Swing 50 times

平甩傳愛第3集分享 英文字幕 Ping Shuai Sharing Part 3 with English subtitle

養生:李鳳山 平甩功入門

平甩功(坐式) (Sitting Method)

有練,真的有差嗎? How to practice effectively

How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene

转圈甩功 Circular Swing

李鳳山師父平甩功見證(印尼) --腦神經阻塞、失明 (Bahasa Indonesia)

练习二 A 第一至第三式 Exercise 2 A Step 1 to 3

练习二 A 第一至第三式 平甩10分钟, 高甩50次, 转圈30次
Exercise 2 A Step 1 to 3 Flat Swing 10 minutes, High Swing 50 times, Circular Swing 30 times

How to watch YouTube videos without internet

Note: It is better to turn on "Add over Wi-Fi only" in the setting so that you only will save the video when you are accessing wifi broadband, not using your mobile data.
以上的视频是教如何离线观看youtube, 在还没有下载前记得将设定改成"Add over Wi-Fi only" 这样只有在有wifi时才会下载,不会用到网线流量。

科学验证 Scientific validation

Ping Shuai Gong 1 (Bahasa Indonesia)

平甩傳愛第2集分享 英文字幕 (Testimonies with English Subtitle)

平甩傳愛第1集分享 英文字幕 (Testimonies with English Subtitle)

103歲人瑞萬權彰 長壽秘訣:甩手功

Collection of Pingshuai Qigong Stories 李鳳山師父平甩功--共同見證

Ping Shuai Gong (Bahasa Indonesia)

高甩 High Swing

Pingshuai Gong Teaching in English

练习一 平甩与高甩 Lesson 1 Flat Swing and High Swing

甩手功介绍 Introduction to hand-swinging exercise


The purpose of mindful exercise is to improve our health condition but it is NOT to replace any formal medical treatment. Those participants who are sick should follow their medical doctors' advice.

安卓的手机可以下载这个计时器来练习平甩功。Can download this app and install in Android phone for the first step practice.

iPhone的手机可以下载这个计时器来练习平甩功。Can download this app and install in iPhone for the first step practice.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

02A 佛法读书会第二章 觉悟前的精进 Dhamma Study Group Chapter 2 THE STRUGGLE FOR ENLIGHTENMENT

MN 26: Ariyapariyesana Sutta The Noble Search (Page 255)

Majjhima Nikāya 26 Pāsarāsisutta (Pali)

中部26經 譬喻品[3]陷阱堆經

Majjhima Nikāya 26 The Noble Search (English) (Text) (The reading of the Sutta)


Majjhima Nikaya (MN 26: part 1, section 1, 2010.5.8) Bhikkhu Bodhi

Majjhima Nikaya (MN 26: part 1, section 2, 2010.5.8) Bhikkhu Bodhi

Majjhima Nikaya (MN 26: part 2, section 1, 2010.5.15) Bhikkhu Bodhi

Majjhima Nikaya (MN 26: part 2, section 2, 2010.5.15) Bhikkhu Bodhi

Majjhima Nikaya (MN 26: part 3, section 1, 2010.5.29) Bhikkhu Bodhi

Majjhima Nikaya (MN 26: part 3, section 2, 2010.5.29) Bhikkhu Bodhi

Majjhima Nikaya (MN 26: part 4, section 1, 2010.6.5) Bhikkhu Bodhi

Majjhima Nikaya (MN 26: part 4, section 2, 2010.6.5) Bhikkhu Bodhi

I.The Buddha's Enlightenment / MN26 Ariyapariyesana Suttam, Bhikkhu Bodhi

MN 26: Ariyapariyesana Sutta (The Noble Search) - Bhante Gunaratana [Part 1 of 2]

MN 26: Ariyapariyesana Sutta (The Noble Search) - Bhante Gunaratana [Part 2 of 2]

在这次的课里我有提到彌林達王(有的翻译是“弥兰陀王")和Bhikkhu Nagasena 的辩论,我们可以在这个丝绸之路记录片里看到。 In this lesson I mentioned the debate between the King Milinda and Bhikkhu Nagasena, this incidence was recorded in this "The Silk Road" documentary:

在这个记录片里也有一尊佛陀证道前修苦行的像。In this documentar, we can see the image of Bodhisatta Gotama during his ascetic practice:

Bhante Suvanno也曾讲过有关King Milinda和Bhikkhu Nagasena的故事,这一段是讲述他们两位的前世,后来正真讲到他们辩论的内容找不到,可能当时没有录音。Bhante Suvanno did mention about the story of King Milinda and Bhikkhu Nagasena, this part mentioned about their past life, but we couldn't find the actual content of the debate of King Milinda, maybe there was no recording at that time.

The English book of ”The Debate of King Milinda" can be found here:

中文版的“彌林達問經 Milindapanha”

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

01 佛法读书会第一章 诞生与早年 Dhamma Study Group Chapter 1 THE BIRTH AND THE EARLY YEARS

Majjhima Nikāya 123 Accha­riya­ab­bhu­ta­sutta (Pali)

中部123經 空品[13]不可思議-未曾有經

Acchariyabbhutadhammasuttaṃ (123) The Discourse On Wonderful Things (English)


Majjhima Nikaya (MN 123: part 1, 2014.12.13) Bhikkhu Bodhi

Majjhima Nikaya (MN 123: part 2, 2014.12.13) Bhikkhu Bodhi

Majjhima Nikaya (MN 123: part 3 discussion, 2014.12.13) Bhikkhu Bodhi

2017年7月佛法读书会采用书籍 Books for Dhamma Study Group started in July 2017

The Life of Buddha according to Pali Canon Bhikkhu Ñanamoli:

亲近释迦牟尼佛201105191 Bhikkhu Ñanamoli:

Dhamma Books & Talks Collection 佛法书籍和开示收集

Chinese Books 中文书;

English Books 英文书:

Chinese Talks / Audio Books 中文音频 / 有声书:

English Talks / Audio Books 英文音频 / 有声书:

A Map of the Journey 禅修之旅:

Bhante Suvanno talks 开示!AkJfUCnuU5qlgkKeS2kVLWEgEjVI